Monday, August 12, 2013


What is a dysfunctional organization? There are many definitions and symptoms highlighted by executives and management guru today to recognize signs of dysfunctional company with polarizing leadership. I summarize some below with examples of a local college as a dysfunctional organization:-

Ivory tower effect. Self-important director/manager who is isolated from the core business making their own decision and instruct that his decisions to be implemented by the cadre.  The cadre are the lecturers who are subject matter experts but treated like labour and  that creates a nasty cultural divide between management and lecturers.
Fire fighting. The organization is into a permanent crisis mode. Management is continually unhappy with Performance of lecturers? Students? No! Management is unhappy of lecturers not updating report, files and paperwork – mundane administrative office work. Finding ways to cut lecturers salary!  Do they think about the quality and outcome? No! People’s jobs are constantly in jeopardy. Students cheat? Why bother, they are robots and their jobs are to memorize the slides – cut and paste into the answer booklet. Since no human can memorize all chapters of 5-6 courses, do you blame them to cheat? The self-important director/manager, if you are one of the students, would you be able to memorize all?
Prolonged stress. Do you blame lecturers when everybody is always in high UNNECESSARY stress level? The predicable consequences of unremitting stress are people burn out or break down and people ultimately give up. A fear-driven, unhappy, pressured, can’t-win environment generates employees and lecturers who check their brains at the door. Oh! Management is happy so that they can get cheaper and inferior lecturers to replace. Dysfunction!
Strategy du jour. When dysfunctional executives consistently overreact to a single data point and take the entire organization in a new direction. Often the result of hallway or ad-hoc meetings in obscure places and making decisions in the absence of those who are actually responsible for that sort of thing. And firing the wrong people and not the root cause. In TQM, finding the “root cause” is a critical step in understanding defects and in improving processes.  And that happen every semester. External examiner talked and discussed, but the same thing happen again. Whats the point? Insanity rules?.
Organizational Insanity. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again ...
and expecting a different result.” Do we need to explain more?
Pluralistic Ignorance. It’s amazing in dysfunctional organizations how many people just “don’t get it.”  In other words ‘clueless.” In the college, nearly everyone is clueless, i.e., pluralistic ignorance. Is managing an institutional of higher learning is like managing a small family business? Why do we have doctors with very high level qualification and experience, but junior masters to make decisions, changing all questions developed by subject matter experts, without any clue on how to implement adult learning and what are the processes of intellectual capital development.
Analysis paralysis. When Management  especially from military factions, constantly take actions of issues to death, going down one rat hole or knock-down, drag-out fight after another without actually making the right decisions because there's no clear leadership to drive direction. Too bad my friend, you are the scape goat victimized by the military maréchal de camp!. I heard many more playing backgammon and doing business with students and escaped the 'death sentence'. Insanity~!
No class.  Dysfunctional organizations have a high tolerance for failure, as long as the attitude is right and “lessons have been learned.” Successful organizations realize that the higher you get in an organization, the fewer lessons should be learned. Executives are expected to bring with them certain experiences and skills to perform at a high level. Individuals who don’t possess these capabilities are probably not in the right position. However, the opposite is the culture of dysfunctional organizations. Because you are incompetent, you work hard with no brain (not smart) to prove your loyalty by victimizing the doers and the experts. No class of exemplary is brought into the system.
Segmented morals.  Dysfunctional organizations are infected with a morality of selective absolutes. The stated values and actual behaviors, usually self-serving, are often in direct conflict with each other. This situational ethics approach to organizational values generates a conflicting set of behavioral guidelines that destroy management’s credibility.  You talked, instructed, took actions in segmented issues  and closed eyes in other non-ethical behaviors. Cakap tak serupa bikin!
If these are the symptoms of dysfunctional organizations, then there is one symptom of a functional organization. The latter never tolerates dysfunction. The alternative is “organizational insanity.”
You will go insane if you stay longer!